Clark County School District employs over 37,000 people, including teachers, who provide services to over 300,000 students, making it a significant employer in Las Vegas. Public and private schools are always seeking to hire and retain qualified individuals with a passion for teaching. However, if you are a trailing spouse who has left a teaching position in your former state, you will need to be issued a new license to teach in the state of Nevada. After reviewing the information below, visit to begin your teaching career in the Las Vegas Valley!
All licenses for teachers and other educational personnel are granted by the Superintendent of Public Instruction who may issue a license to a qualified person as established by regulations adopted by the Commission on Professional Standards in Education.
The following basic qualifications apply to all persons requesting licensing in the State of Nevada:
An applicant must be a citizen of the United States or be a lawful permanent resident of the United States.
Degree(s) and credits for courses must have been earned from a regionally accredited college or university.
Foreign transcripts must be accompanied by an original a course-by-course and degree equivalency evaluation done by an approved evaluator service before application for licensure is made.
A license is issued based on the evaluation of the applicant’s official transcripts.
An applicant must have completed the appropriate number of semester credits of student teaching to qualify for a teaching license. If you have not completed student teaching, full-time contracted teaching experience (five (5) class periods per day, 180 school days per year, at the appropriate grade level) may be used to meet the requirement. Unless otherwise specified, three (3) years experience is required and must be verified on the appropriate form.
Nevada welcomes out-of-state applicants but would like you to be aware of ancillary requirements that often prevent many of you from qualifying for our teaching license based on “reciprocity.”
Although Nevada has signed the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) Interstate Agreement, we are not reciprocal with all states* and we require a recent teaching experience. Additionally, if the teaching license you currently hold is a temporary permit or letter of qualification, emergency, alternative, conditional, preliminary, provisional, restrictive, pre-intern, etc., type of license/ certificate/credential or if it was issued by exam or earned through a program for which you did not receive credit from a regionally accredited college or university as reflected on an official transcript, you will not qualify for a teaching license in Nevada based on a reciprocal agreement.
Ultimately, most applicants qualify for licensure in Nevada based on their teacher education program completed through a regionally accredited college/university; therefore, you are encouraged to review the requirements for the teaching license/endorsement you are seeking prior to applying.
You MUST submit a complete Initial Licensure Application packet and verification of teaching experience, if applicable, to be evaluated for issuance of a Nevada teaching license even if you hold a valid teaching license from another state. An evaluation of your transcripts from a regionally accredited college or university will be conducted.
Based on the volume of inquiries about “reciprocity,” and because each of your circumstances are different, please note that Licensure staff cannot make a pre-determination of whether you might qualify for a Nevada license based on a verbal Q & A, either over the phone or in person. The determination of whether you might qualify to have a license issued based on a reciprocal agreement with another state cannot be made until the Licensing Analyst has reviewed your file.